But enough with the cold, stony water - back to the chairs to relax in the sun!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Memorial Day at the Beach!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Fun with water
Inspector Ryebread was making sure the pH levels were correct and the temperature was adequate for young children (plus he just likes to stick out his Buddha belly!).
He tried very hard to enjoy the water without getting his butt wet, but gravity eventually won that battle and he took a splash into the deep end. Always a trooper though, he got up and kept playing.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Grace's Birthday!
OK, this couldn't be a completely Ryan-free entry. Check out Inspector Ryebread overseeing the opening of the presents (goofball!)
Such a little lady, Gracie was very delicate when it came to her cake (she even breathed in between bites!).
Friday, May 8, 2009
Ryebread's FIRST haircut!
Finally, daddy sat in a chair with Ryan for the big event. Ryan, a champ as always, sat there and enjoyed the experience (including a trim with clippers!) with smiles and no tears!!