But - reality sat in quickly when we arrived at JC Penny's studios and I realized our "professional photographer" was a kid, making close to minimum wage by waving squeaky toys at my kid, trying to get him to smile and using old bedsheets as the backdrop. The pictures were fine - but they weren't what I wanted.
I was determined after Lindsey was born that our next family portrait would be different. It wouldn't be in a cramped studio with bedsheets and squeaky toys, it wouldn't have us in unnatural poses that date back to the early 1700s and it wouldn't be done by a 17 year old whose professional credits were simply taking self-portraits in the mirror with their cell phone.
Enter Dreme Whitehurst. A friend and co-worker of my bestie - Erin. Thanks to Facebook, I've been able to photo-stalk her for quite some time now and have long been awed by both her daughter's inate beauty and Dreme's ability to enhance that beauty through amazing photographic talent. I was so excited she agreed to take on my family.
The event started out a little frazzled. Despite best planning efforts (coordinating outfits, timing bottles and naptimes, and scoping out the perfect setting), kids are still kids and life is still life. Lindsey was a mess the whole way there - crying, breaking out in dramatic LP hives. Rye was Rye - talking to himself, to Lindsey, to us, to the trees, to anything, oblivious to the fact that his sister was hysterical and both his parents were ready to snap at any moment. We tried changing diapers and bribing silence with food and drink, but it didn't work.
We finally got there and got settled and begun the photographic process. No other way to describe it really. There are some poses and direction, but mostly we had fun. We blew bubbles, read stories, walked, played, smelled flowers and spent a ridiculous amount of time watching fish in the reflecting pool (Rye thought they were Elmo's fish - Dorothy - and treated them like the celebrities he thought they were). In the end, Dreme was able to capture us - our love for each other, our personalities, our life as a family. I couldn't be happier.
And to boot - she's an impatient girls dream come true. We weren't even home a few hours before I got a message from her saying some of the photos were available as a sneak peek! So, without further ado, our first family photo shoot at Gibraltar Gardens (which, by the way, is a combo of The Secret Garden and Longwood Gardens all compacted into an acre or so of land in the City of Wilmington...who knew?).