It's been 21 months since that weekend and 21 months since we've had a real opportunity to spend a full day, one-on-one, with either kid. So when field trip time came around this year, and the kids were going to be going on two different field trips, to two different places, we decided this was the perfect opportunity to take the time and devote all attention to one kid at a time.
First up, Lindsey's trip to Coleman's Tree Farm. This was Lindsey's first real field trip and our first time at Coleman's. She LOVED it.
The hayride allowed us to see ducks, geese, turkeys, pheasants, old barns and tractors (and take some mommy and daddy shots with the star of the day).
Then it was time to pick our pumpkins. Lindsey knew just what she wanted and tried her hardest to pick it up.
After getting a workout walking through the pumpkin, gourd and corn fields, it was back on the tractor for the return ride where lunch and apple cidar awaited us.
Next up - Ryan's trip to Milburn Orchards. We've gone there a few times, but what made this trip even more special was how we got there. Ryan got his first shot at riding on a school bus!
And though I know he was excited for his first school bus ride (he sang the wheels on the bus both there and back), I think he was equally excited on the fake, wooden bus at the orchard simply because his best friend was along for the ride.
Once again, we had a hayride, with the standard mommy and daddy shots.
We fed goats and petted their heads. We laughed at the snorting pigs and marveled at the huge (or in Ryan speak - hooge) bunnies. We even hung out hung out with Johnny Appleseed.
Later on, we went into the orchard and helped Ryan find and pick the biggest apples we could find (they were almost as hooge as the bunnies).
And though we were very proud of the fact that we spent two days devoted individually to each of the kids, we're pretty sure the fact was lost on Ryan. He's a little infatuated these days...