Well this was a very fun-filled and exciting weekend in
Ryebread's world. He spent almost his whole day on Saturday hanging out with Daddy - and even got to watch Penn State football! He learned how to say "touchdown!!" and even learned, "ready, set, go!"
Sunday mommy was on Rye-watch and decided to make it an artsy kinda day. So - after a trip to Toys R Us, Rye got his first experience with...

That's right, Play-
Doh! He was very intrigued, squishing it between his fingers and pressing it flat against the table. He managed to get some into his mouth to taste it out but quickly discovered it wasn't very tasty and made the "
bleh" face for the next few minutes.
We also picked up one of the greatest inventions EVER for a kid who likes to color ALL the time:
Aquadoodle! It's a coloring pad with "markers" that are just filled with water. So when you draw on the pad, it activates and colors but if you color anywhere else,
nada. Just water. It's fantastic.
Ryebread gives it two thumbs up.
And after all the arts and crafts, Rye and Mommy did some potty time and...

OK, OK that's not Rye, but it happened too fast to grab the camera. It was just a little bit, but it was so exciting! We ran downstairs to tell Daddy and Mommy gave Rye a cookie for being such a big boy. Then we put the pee in the big potty and said "bye bye" as we flushed it away.
What a fun fall weekend!
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