Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cuter by the day

Ryan's vocabulary and ability to create full sentences seems to grow leaps and bounds with each passing day. Part of this can certainly be attributed to the kids in his classroom. This is the widest range of kids (2 - 3 year olds) in one room that Ryan has experienced since he started day care. Up until now, the age range has only varied within a 6 month span.

Another cause for his ability to converse so clearly, is practice. Every day, for as long as we can remember, we have engaged in dialogue with Ryan. While he wasn't always able to talk back, he was certainly listening and it's paying off.

This morning, as mommy was getting dressed for work, Rye sat on the floor and watched. As mommy did a final wardobe check in the mirror he said, "You're cute, mommy!" Mommy replied with, "I'm cute?!" "Yea..." "You like my outfit?" "Yea..." "Aw. Thank you, Rye!"

Then, as we were getting ready to walk out the door, he went over to his little sister. He watched her for a moment and then turned to mommy and said, "Lindsey's [Lilly] beautiful [booaful]." Mommy couldn't agree more and is looking forward to the day Lindsey can give such loving compliments to her awesome big brother.

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