Wednesday, June 2, 2010


It's been a couple weeks since a new blog post (I'm actually surprised I haven't been "yelled at" yet), so while I'm sure readers may be salivating for some pictures of LP and Ryebread, allow me to take a moment and wax poetically.

Daddy recently had to travel for work - the first bout of traveling since LP was born. This meant mommy would be a single parent (gasp!) for a whole week. In the weeks and days leading up to the big event, and even a day or so in...mommy whined and complained about how hard it would be and how nervous she was to deal with a sometimes cranky two-year-old and a somewhat needy infant all by herself for 6 straight days.

But by the end of the week, we had all survived - the house didn't burn down, we didn't have to make any visits to the ER, I didn't go crazy from a lack of sleep, dishes got done, children were fed and I actually got to work early a few days.

How is this all possible, you ask? Adaptability. It's one of the great qualities all parents have. And while I am certainly allowed to be a little cranky at the thought of being a single parent for a week at a time here and there, there are certainly other parents and families whose circumstances are far more challenging, yet whose outlook on life are far more inspiring. 

And without further ado - the faces I dream about often, who make long weeks without my best friend around bearable.

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