Once it was decided earlier in the month that boating is what we'd do on Grandma's birthday, a pang of uncertainty began to float around inside me. You see, Ryan isn't the most adventurous little man I know. He's certainly smart and outgoing, but adventurous - not so much. Doesn't really dig swings, doesn't like carnival rides, isn't too interested in going in a pool...stuff like that. So the idea of putting him into a large boat and taking that boat out into the middle of a lake seemed like it, perhaps, could cause a minor meltdown.
Like we do with most new experiences, we tried to talk it up and get Ryan excited at just the thought of going on a boat. All was going well. Rye, in theory, was stoked to go on a boat. So that morning, we decided to do a trial run in the garage. Cue the screaming, crying, tear-soaked toddler. He wanted nothing to do with going on a boat. After a few minutes of coaxing by mommy and daddy, though, he was willing to give it a try. Success! Then, we tried to take him off so we could load up and hit the road. Cue the screaming, crying, tear-soaked toddler. Sigh...
Once we got up to the lake, Ryan and Lindsey got on the boat with little fuss and had a great time. Although, the first half hour of Lindsey's boat ride was less than pleasureable. The lifejacket, though appropriate for her, was a little....cumbersome. She was not amused.
Once we got to still waters though, the lifejacket was loosened and she took a seat on the floor of the boat, while Rye sat on the edge of the boat with Uncle Mike, dangling his feet in the water and looking for fishies. Overall, a great "first" for the kids and a lovely way to spend Grandma's birthday!