Sunday, July 25, 2010

Whatever floats your boat

Grandma's birthday was this past weekend and as part of the day of celebration, we all took the boat up to the lake. This was a first for both Rye and LP!

Once it was decided earlier in the month that boating is what we'd do on Grandma's birthday, a pang of uncertainty began to float around inside me. You see, Ryan isn't the most adventurous little man I know. He's certainly smart and outgoing, but adventurous - not so much. Doesn't really dig swings, doesn't like carnival rides, isn't too interested in going in a pool...stuff like that. So the idea of putting him into a large boat and taking that boat out into the middle of a lake seemed like it, perhaps, could cause a minor meltdown.

Like we do with most new experiences, we tried to talk it up and get Ryan excited at just the thought of going on a boat. All was going well. Rye, in theory, was stoked to go on a boat. So that morning, we decided to do a trial run in the garage. Cue the screaming, crying, tear-soaked toddler. He wanted nothing to do with going on a boat. After a few minutes of coaxing by mommy and daddy, though, he was willing to give it a try. Success! Then, we tried to take him off so we could load up and hit the road. Cue the screaming, crying, tear-soaked toddler. Sigh...

Once we got up to the lake, Ryan and Lindsey got on the boat with little fuss and had a great time. Although, the first half hour of Lindsey's boat ride was less than pleasureable. The lifejacket, though appropriate for her, was a little....cumbersome. She was not amused.

Once we got to still waters though, the lifejacket was loosened and she took a seat on the floor of the boat, while Rye sat on the edge of the boat with Uncle Mike, dangling his feet in the water and looking for fishies. Overall, a great "first" for the kids and a lovely way to spend Grandma's birthday!

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