If you're looking for a good reason for why there hasn't been a post in nearly a month, I ask you to look no further than the title of this entry. First, we'll delve into the faulty camera. It's a much easier explanation.
We love our camera. It takes great pictures, has a ton of options for making shots look great and is pretty idiot proof. For two people who are not photographers by any stretch of the imagination, it's exactly what we need. Except when it goes on strike. Every now and then, for no discernible reason, our camera just stops taking pictures. It still turns on, still goes through the motions of capturing a person's face in a little box and gears up to take a shot. But when it comes to actually taking a picture - it craps out. For parents with two active children who have the ability to create endless Kodak moments - This. Is. Really. Frustrating. And with no good pictures, I haven't been inspired to put up any new posts. So I'm going to "borrow" the work camera for a few days and get some good shots - we'll beat you, camera. We're parents, you know. We always win.
Except when it comes to the "terrible two's." Which brings us to the second reason there hasn't been a post in nearly a month. First, I put "terrible two's" in quotation marks because it really is a poor label for what the truth of the matter is. Kind of like how they say pregnancy is 9 months...lies - all lies. The "terrible two's" actually begins to brew around a child's 18 month of life...slowly, quietly making its way into the child's routine. Causing just enough chaos to provide subtle foreshadowing of what's to come without completely revealing itself to unsuspecting parents. For us, the crescendo, it appears, has revealed itself a month shy of 2 1/2 years.
I'll start with a caveat - despite what I'm about to write, Ryan is an awesome kid. He's funny, kind, energetic, helpful, curious, thoughtful, (too) smart and downright adorable.
But then there are moments - that often come without warning - when this awesome kid has a case of the "terrible two's." Symptoms include an excessively annoying whine, blatant disregard for any common sense or understanding, egregious overuse of the word "no" and superhuman powers that render normally calm, cool, competent parents completely useless and borderline crazy. It isn't pretty, folks.
It consumes large blocks of time and is usually sparked by an insignificant request - eat your breakfast, Rye; let's go potty, Ryan; help clean up the toys, buddy. And though, in the end, the request is fulfilled, the battle that takes place after the request is made and before it is fulfilled is draining. The emotional and physical impact on both the parents and Ryebread is significant, yet silly all at the same time. One rule in the Bachman household that we stick to - no one goes to bed angry. There will always be smiles and laughter after the tears and shouting. Because no matter what - there's love and understanding. This too shall pass.
Perhaps I'm being optimistic, but by my calculations, we're a year into this nonsense. And if I'm right (please, please let me be right) and we've reached the peak of this phase, we just have one more year of a slow decline of craziness before...crap...before we get to start all over again with Lindsey.
Well, here's to perseverance and persistence - and the silly notion that, in the end, we're the parents and we always win.
And since the camera won't cooperate - enjoy another beautiful picture from the Gibraltar shoot. This one cracks me up - the bug looks truly terrified that Cheeks Magee is going to eat him for lunch!
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