OK, so I've done posts on adaptability and compromise. Today's word of the day? Ingenuity. Defined as cleverness or skillfulness of design, ingenuity seems to be a trait that toddlers acquire quite rapidly. They reach a point in their development when they want to do everything on their own (me do it, is what Ryan says). Problem is, just because they have the
will to do things, doesn't always mean they have the ability. Which is where the ingeniousness comes into play. Ryan's go-to object of choice? His red "thinking chair." It's usually in the hallway near his bedroom and is used for timeout purposes - or for when he isn't necessarily in trouble, but needs to "think" about his behavior or actions. I heart the thinking chair.
Luckily, it hasn't had any negative impact on Ryan as far as its usability. So lately Ryan has been using the thinking chair for multiple applications. Most recently? He wanted to help Lindsey eat her breakfast in the morning. So while I'm in the bathroom getting ready for work, Ryan hauled the thinking chair down the hail way and positioned it at just the right spot to climb up and help LP eat some cereal.
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