Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Party and LP's Ladybug Debut!

Since the costume debacle was such a long post, we'll keep this one short and sweet. Ryan's class had their fall party (still not sure why they can't just call it a Halloween party, but whatever) today. Ryan was a killer Spiderman and his friends rocked out some awesome costumes as well - a princess, Mario and Luigi, Minnie and Mickey mouse just to name a few. But my favorite part of the party? The coolest (and healthiest!)halloween-inspired snack I'd ever seen. Human fingers made from string cheese, a little bit of cream cheese and pepper pieces. Seriously. So cool!

LP stopped by (she's not one to turn down some good party food!), but had already had enough of her costume for the day, so the suspense of the LP Ladybug lives on for one more second...

OK - enough suspense. Here she is! Our very own, very unamused, LindseyBug Bachman.

I had to add this picture because I'm convinced it's the best "smile" picture of Ryan to date, despite the goofy Spiderman hat and the unamused LindseyBug in the background.

And finally, the wonderful Ms. Heather, who lives down the street from my parents, brought Ryan and Lindsey a bunch of cool Halloween gifts, including these awesome shirts! Who's the unamused Bachman child now? Sigh...

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