Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Department Stores and Daycare

It's official. Ryan has turned into a department store. How, you ask? Well, you know how department stores seem to make the years go by faster and faster? Every year it seems they begin setting up displays for holidays quicker and sooner than they had the year before. Like 4th of July stuff is out before the end of the school year and back to school stuff is out before the smoke has cleared from the 4th of July fireworks. It's insanity.

So here we are, in the heart of the end-of-year holiday season. We're still a week a way from Thanksgiving, with plenty of leftover Halloween candy hidden throughout the house (hidden from us, not him, sadly) and all Ryan has been talking about since he stepped out of his Spiderman costume is the fact that "Santa coming to visit soon!"

How did this happen?

I blame two entities: department stores and daycare. Blame may be a strong word, though. I mean some good does come out of their desire to plan (way) ahead. For one, our Christmas shopping is pretty much done, which usually doesn't even begin until Black Friday. Plus, I like when Ryan's teachers at daycare broach random topics of discussion and don't tell us. There's always a moment when he responds to a question I didn't think he would understand or when he mentions something we haven't talked about, that I look at him in awe and think, "Damn...he really is a genius!" Then, I realize they were just doing their job and he was simply being a good student (read: genius) and remembered what he had learned. It's impressive and a proud moment, regardless.

Besides all of that, and this is purely selfish on my part, Christmas is my favorite holiday. The day itself yes, but more the time of year. I love the music, the lights, the magic in the air and the time spent with the people you love.

So what if Ryan has turned into Macy's, using verbal reminders in place of red and green streamers, glittery ornaments and procelain snowangels, to remind us that this is, indeed, the most wonderful time of the year.

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