Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's Turkey Day!!

Before our basement was finished, the idea of hosting a Thanksgiving dinner at our house with both of our families was as likely as Nate cheering for the Cowboys. Never. Gonna. Happen.

But the basement is finished, so host a joint Thanksgiving dinner we did! It required several purchases, some rearranging of the family room and family members who were willing to drive all the way down 95, but it worked.

The basement looked awesome. Ryan's pilgrim and indian hats were great centerpieces, we finally had a great excuse to use our fine china and, thanks to google, we even made our napkins look all fancy. Another plus - almost every seat had a good view of the football game.

This was LP's first turkey day. She's been a picky eater lately - either because of changing tastes or teething - so I was a little concerned we might have a repeat of Ryan's first Thanksgiving. He had been projectile vommitting right before the big day, so he was on a bland diet. The only thing he was able to eat that day was mashed potatoes and bananas.

Luckily, Lindsey found her appetite and indulged like the rest of us!

Though - her hand-to-mouth skills are still a work in progress and most of the food ended up in the highchair canyon.

And before I go on, you need to see the best part of her outfit - check out that Turkey!

And to ensure equal respresentation, a couple quick pictures of Ryebread, whose shirt that day listed out what he was thankful for: 1. My mommy and Daddy 2. Yummy turkey 3. Football. Have I mentioned he's SUCH a boy?

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