Thursday, November 25, 2010


It seems fitting, on the day of giving thanks, that there be a post about things for which I am thankful. The list is endless, really, but here are a few items near the top:

1. My husband. We balance each other out perfectly. Our most common thing to say to each other besides "I love you" is "I love our life." We've been blessed with two amazing children (more on them in a second). We have families who love us and support us. And most importantly we have an unwavering love and endless amount of respect for one another. It makes for a happy home.

2. My kids. The inspiration for this blog and the two neatest people I know. Not clean, neat (they're kids, you know), but fascinating, surprising, unique neat. They have a way about them that let's me know they're going to be great people and do great things. And I'm so thankful to be their mommy and have a front row seat on their journey.

3. My friends. Some I've known for awhile, some I only "know" through the facade of social media. Some I see often, some I haven't seen in years. But each of them is important to me because each provides a different perspective on life that affords me the opportunity to continually grow as an individual.

4. Coffee. Let's be real, here. Coffee is awesome. It's not just a drink; it's an experience. And it goes great with pumpkin pie. Just sayin.

Just for fun and because not many people post comments - what are four things you're thankful for?


  1. I'm thankful for:

    1.My community of diverse friends. I learn so much from them about how life shows up differently in each person. They keep me fresh and alive.

    2. My mind and ability to contemplate life and existence. I love learning new things! I love being a human!

    3. The woods, especially those vast stretches of woods that I can get lost in and completely forget society.

    4. My family. They are where I began and where I have grown from. They offer endless support and love.

    Thanks for asking, Kelly!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Melanie! Side note - I learned the word facade from you...specifically from a poem you wrote back in the day. We really do learn a lot from our friends.

  3. I am thankful for my husband, who I love completely. My children who are the best ever, my grandchildren who totally complete my life and my awesome son-in-law who treats his wife & children like gold.
