Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day at the Beach!

Ryan finally had an opportunity to spend some time at the world's biggest sandbox - the beach! We went down for an overnight stay in Rehoboth (Mommy and Daddy even snuck in a 5K) and Ryebread had an absolute blast.

Daddy was having so much fun, he seemed to forget his dislike for cold water. This was one of the very few times that Rye seemed apprehensive about a new situation (let us not forget the giant walking Hershey bar!). The loud roars of the ocean and just the vastness of it, really, seemed to cause pause. But he eventually warmed up (a little) and walked around the shoreline.

But enough with the cold, stony water - back to the chairs to relax in the sun!

While mommy and daddy ran the Rusty Rudder 5K, Erin was nice enough to keep an eye on Ryebread. He found an arrow along the shore and turned into Ryebread Hood - walking around, waving his arrow at anyone who might be a threat to Dewey Forest :) Seriously, though, look at him by the water, all by himself! So brave....

Finally, after a fun-filled 24 hours, it was back in the car for the trip home. Daddy and Rye were pooped. You can barely tell they're related, huh!?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fun with water

While shopping for Grace's birthday gift, Nate deviated from the stated goal and began meandering around toys he thought Ryebread would like. He deserves credit, though, because he found an AWESOME water toy and Ryan seemed to thoroughly enjoy it!

Inspector Ryebread was making sure the pH levels were correct and the temperature was adequate for young children (plus he just likes to stick out his Buddha belly!).

He tried very hard to enjoy the water without getting his butt wet, but gravity eventually won that battle and he took a splash into the deep end. Always a trooper though, he got up and kept playing.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Grace's Birthday!

Ok, for the first time in PeanutButteronRyeBread history, we dedicate this blog entry to another baby! Rye's cousin, Grace, had her first birthday party this weekend and she was an absolute doll!

OK, this couldn't be a completely Ryan-free entry. Check out Inspector Ryebread overseeing the opening of the presents (goofball!)

Such a little lady, Gracie was very delicate when it came to her cake (she even breathed in between bites!).

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ryebread's FIRST haircut!

Today was haircut day for the Bachman's - but the most important trim was Ryan's! We decided to splurge for the big event and go to Kids Kutz (extremely cute and kid-friendly, but way too expensive for regular appointments - 13 bucks!!). Here are his "before shots." You can't really see the crazy wispy curls that protrude from above his ears...but they're there.

First stop for this adventure was the shampoo station. Both the hairdresser and mommy and daddy were somewhat reluctant to go through with this part (Ryan has a history of not enjoying water being sprayed onto his head), but luckily, Rye is not only cool, calm and collected, he's also very intrigued and curious. So his curiosity got the best of him and he just hung out and took it all in.

Next stop, a ride on a frog (?) for some gnarly wet head shots.

Finally, daddy sat in a chair with Ryan for the big event. Ryan, a champ as always, sat there and enjoyed the experience (including a trim with clippers!) with smiles and no tears!!

And of course...the after shot of my little man - a future GQ cover model :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"These are a few of my favorite things"

The corner of the living room that will one day serve as a great fort .

And the gaming chair in the corner of the living room that will make a great fort.

The remote control.

The ride and walk toy that multi-purposes as a stool, letting me keep an eye on the neighborhood.

My parents - who will make any excuse to create a photo-op.