Sunday, July 18, 2010

Expect the unexpected

We're big fans of Big Brother at the Bachman house. It's a guilty summer pleasure. The slogan of Big Brother is to "Expect the Unexpected." I think that's a pretty good slogan to live by year round. Especially when you have two young kids.

This weekend was a good one. Kids were happy, parents were happy, life was good. After Ryan woke up from his nap on Sunday, we were all hanging around in the living room, playing and laughing and enjoying some project-free time as a family. Out of nowhere, Ryan asks for some ice cream. It kind of caught me off guard, but quicker than an ice cream truck jingle can get stuck in your head, I said "OK!" I got up, ran into the kitchen, pulled out some vanilla ice cream left over from the party, added some chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles for good measure. Brought it out into the living room and gave it to Rye. I wasn't sure who was more surprised - Ryan or Daddy.

But Ryan was a good kid this weekend. I mean, he's a good kid all the time, but let's be honest, he's still a 2 year old. And 2 year olds can be annoying at times. So why not reward good behavior? Besides - our little man is quite the potty champ and that deserves an ice cream sundae every day.

And who can resist that smile?

Although - can we note the shirt he's wearing? Mmm hmm...

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