Sunday, December 25, 2011

Just like the movies

I wouldn't say I watched a ton of movies growing up, but I certainly hit all the classics of my time. And one of the greatest gifts those movies offered was the ability to delve into a fantasy world. I remember going to the crick and pretending I was on a Goonies adventure. Or reading a book under a blanket and wishing I'd get transported to Fantasia.

But you grow up and realize how unrealistic movies are. Flying dogs won't take you on an adventure to meet a young princess and secret tunnels and buried treasures aren't found by a group of misfits evading murderers.

There are moments, though, when it seems like real life - as mundane and ordinary as it can be - is just like the movies. My most recent moment? Christmas morning.

Each year, Christmas becomes more special because it becomes more magical for the kids. Each year, they get it more, which means their excitement level increases drastically. You know those scenes in Christmas movies where the kids tear into the wrapping paper, it goes flying and every gift is met with an "Ooo" or an "Aaah!" or, if you're really lucky, a loud, excited squeal of joy? We had that in our living room. And it was great.
After the masacre of the wrapping paper, it was on to test driving gifts, trying on clothes, assembling tree know, the usual.

Just like a good movie - 2011 was full of plot lines, all connected in some way, with suspense, humor and a little drama (thanks, of course, to Miss Lindsey). And ultimately, the ending was happy. Merry Christmas!

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