Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

Apparently, that's what little boys are made of. I call foul. In my world? Little boys are made of rubber, lead and a sturdy head.

My theory was proven just 16 days shy of Rye's 3rd birthday when a silly game of belly sledding down Grandma and Grandpa's stairs went south (a little pun intended), landed us in the ER and gave Rye his first set of stitches.

The good news? That stuff Ryan is made of came in handy that day. Though he managed to find the one point on the one banister on the staircase that could cause the most harm (and it did - I swear I saw my little man's skull), he only cried for a few minutes (and sunk like lead into my arms while I gained composure, called for back-up and summoned ice packs, band-aids and paper towels to ease my baby's pain). While we waited at the Emergency Center for two hours, he managed to bounce back (like rubber) and was his normal, inquisitive, goofy self. He even helped entertain my boredom by modeling some emotions for the camera.
Ryan's Sad Face
 Ryan's Happy Face
 Ryan's Mad Face
 Ryan's Surprise Face

Oh - and proof he's got a sturdy head? At one point, he looked at me, clearly annoyed with being in the same boring room for so long and said, "Mom. My boo boo feels better now. Can we go home?"

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